Uses of Class

Packages that use SuperLinkID
dk.deepthought.sidious.blackboard Provides blackboard classes and interfaces 
dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler Provides classes and interfaces for handling goals 
dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse Contains greenhouse specific classes and interfaces. 
dk.deepthought.sidious.planner Provides classes and interfaces for the planning and pathfinding algorithms 
dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph Provides classes and interfaces for representing graphs for the planner. 
dk.deepthought.sidious.ruleengine Provides classes and interfaces for rule evaluation 
dk.deepthought.sidious.rules Contains the implementations of the rules in the system. Provides functionality for interaction with the environment 
dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem Provides interfaces and classes for the general interaction with the system. 
dk.deepthought.sidious.util Provides utility implementations for the system 

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.blackboard

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.blackboard with parameters of type SuperLinkID
 double BlackBoardEngine.getAdjustableSetting(SuperLinkID requesterID, SuperLinkID adjustableID)
 double BlackBoard.getAdjustableSetting(SuperLinkID requesterID, SuperLinkID adjustableID)
          Returns the current setting of the adjustable associated with the specified adjustableID and requesterID.
 PlanRequester BlackBoardEngine.getRequester(SuperLinkID id)
          Returns a reference to the plan requester associated with the specified id.
 PlanRequester BlackBoard.getRequester(SuperLinkID requester)
          Returns a reference to the plan requester associated with the specified id.

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler declared as SuperLinkID
private  SuperLinkID Goal.origin
          The parent of this goal.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler that return SuperLinkID
 SuperLinkID Goal.getOrigin()
          Returns the id of the originating PlanRequester of this goal.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler with parameters of type SuperLinkID
 Goal GoalHandlerEngine.getTopPriorityGoal(SuperLinkID id)
 Goal GoalHandler.getTopPriorityGoal(SuperLinkID id)
          This method retrieves the top goal for a given SuperLinkID.
protected  void GoalHandlerEngine.process(SuperLinkID item)
 void GoalHandlerEngine.request(SuperLinkID id)
 void GoalHandler.request(SuperLinkID id)
          Request a goal to be extracted from requester with specified id.

Constructors in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler with parameters of type SuperLinkID
Goal(State goalState, double desire, SuperLinkID origin)
          Constructor; returns a new instance of Goal.

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse declared as SuperLinkID
private  SuperLinkID CO2SetPoint.co2ID
          The id of the CO2 setpoint.
private  SuperLinkID WindowSetPoint.humidityID
          The id of the humidity sensor.
private  SuperLinkID HeaterSetPoint.humidityID
          Id of the humidity sensor.
private  SuperLinkID
          The id of this greenhouse.
private  SuperLinkID ScreenSetPoint.irradianceID
          The id of the irradiance sensor.
private  SuperLinkID WindowSetPoint.outsideHumidityID
          The id of the outside humidity sensor.
private  SuperLinkID WindowSetPoint.outsideTemperatureID
          The id of the outside temperature sensor.
private  SuperLinkID SensorInput.superLinkID
          The id of the sensor this represent.
private  SuperLinkID WindowSetPoint.temperatureID
          The id of the temperature sensor.
private  SuperLinkID HeaterSetPoint.temperatureID
          Id of the temperature sensor.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse that return SuperLinkID
 SuperLinkID WindowSetPoint.getID()
 SuperLinkID SensorInput.getID()
          Returns the id of this sensor.
 SuperLinkID ScreenSetPoint.getID()
 SuperLinkID HeaterSetPoint.getID()
 SuperLinkID Greenhouse.getID()
 SuperLinkID CO2SetPoint.getID()

Constructors in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse with parameters of type SuperLinkID
Greenhouse(SuperLinkID id, java.util.Collection<Adjustable> adjustables, java.util.Collection<Rule> rules)
          Constructs a new instance of Greenhouse with the specified id, adjustables, and rules.
SensorInput(SuperLinkID superLinkID, double value)
          Creates a new SensorInput object from the specified SuperLinkID and value.

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner declared as SuperLinkID
private  SuperLinkID
          The id of the requester.
private  SuperLinkID
          The id of the requester.

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner with type parameters of type SuperLinkID
private  java.util.HashMap<SuperLinkID,Pathfinder> PlannerEngine.idToPathfinder
          Mapping between id and pathfinder

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner that return SuperLinkID
 SuperLinkID Plan.getId()
          Returns the id of the requester.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner with parameters of type SuperLinkID
static java.util.Collection<Adjustable> PlannerEngine.getAdjustables(SuperLinkID requester)
          Returns the adjustables of the specified requester.
static Graph GraphFactory.makeGraph(SuperLinkID requester, State source, State goal)
          This method is a factory for creating a Graph.
 void Plan.setId(SuperLinkID id)
          Sets the id of the requester.
 void PlannerEngine.stop(SuperLinkID id)
 void Planner.stop(SuperLinkID id)
          Stops generating a plan for the given id.

Constructors in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner with parameters of type SuperLinkID
GreenhouseHeuristic(SuperLinkID id, State source, State goal)
          Constructs a new GreenhouseHeuristic with the specified id.

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph declared as SuperLinkID
private  SuperLinkID AStarGraph.requesterId
          The id of the requester.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph that return SuperLinkID
 SuperLinkID Graph.getId()
          Returns the id of the owner/requester for this graph.
 SuperLinkID AStarGraph.getId()

Constructors in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph with parameters of type SuperLinkID
AStarGraph(State sourceState, State goalState, java.util.Collection<Adjustable> adjustables, Heuristic heuristic, SuperLinkID requester)
          Constructs an AStarGraph with a start and end-state, and the set adjustables.

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.ruleengine

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.ruleengine with parameters of type SuperLinkID
 double RuleEngineImpl.evaluate(SuperLinkID requesterID, State current, State next, Step step)
 double RuleEngine.evaluate(SuperLinkID requesterID, State current, State next, Step step)
          This method evaluates the rules associated with the given plan requester.
 java.util.Collection<Goal> RuleEngineImpl.extractGoals(SuperLinkID requesterID)
 java.util.Collection<Goal> RuleEngine.extractGoals(SuperLinkID requesterID)
          This method extracts the goals of the specified PlanRequester.

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.rules

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.rules declared as SuperLinkID
private  SuperLinkID Rule.parentID
          The ID of the originating PlanRequester.
private  SuperLinkID TemperatureRule.SENSOR_ID
          The ID of the sensor this Rule depends on.
private  SuperLinkID MorningDropRule.temperatureSensorID
          The ID of the temperature sensor this Rule depends on.
private  SuperLinkID MorningDropRule.timeSensorID
          The ID of the time sensor this Rule depends on.

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.rules with type parameters of type SuperLinkID
private  java.util.Collection<SuperLinkID> ConstrainingRule.idsToConstrain
          A list of sensor id's which will be constrained by this.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.rules that return SuperLinkID
 SuperLinkID Rule.getParentID()
          Gets the parent id of this rule.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.rules with parameters of type SuperLinkID
static MorningDropRule MorningDropRule.constructMorningDropRule(SuperLinkID parentID, java.util.Properties properties)
          Static factory for constructing a MorningDropRule with the specified properties.
static TemperatureRule TemperatureRule.constructTemperatureRule(SuperLinkID parentID, java.util.Properties properties)
          Static factory for constructing a TemperatureRule with the specified properties.
protected  double Rule.getAdjustableSetting(Step step, SuperLinkID id)
          Returns the setting of an adjustable contained in the step identified by the id.
protected  double Rule.getAdjustableSettingFromParent(SuperLinkID adjustableID)
          Method returns the setting of the input adjustable.
protected  double Rule.getSensorValue(State state, SuperLinkID sensorID)
          Method returns the value of the input sensorID in the input state.
 void Rule.setParentID(SuperLinkID parentID)
          Sets the parent id for this rule.

Constructors in dk.deepthought.sidious.rules with parameters of type SuperLinkID
ConstrainingRule(SuperLinkID... sensorIDs)
          Constructs a constraining rule that constrains sensors with input IDs.
MorningDropRule(SuperLinkID parentID)
PhotosynthesisRule(SuperLinkID parentID)
TemperatureRule(SuperLinkID parentId)

Uses of SuperLinkID in

Methods in with parameters of type SuperLinkID
static double ServiceEngine.getSensorValue(SuperLinkID id)
          Method returns the value of the sensor associated with the given id.

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem declared as SuperLinkID
private static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.co2ID
          The SuperLinkID of the CO2 sensor
private static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.humidityID
          The SuperLinkID of the humidity sensor
private static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.irradianceID
          The SuperLinkID of the light irradiance sensor
private static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.outsideHumidityID
          The SuperLinkID of the outside humidity sensor
private static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.outsideTemperatureID
          The SuperLinkID of the outside temperature sensor
private static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.temperatureID
          The SuperLinkID of the temperature sensor
private static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.timeID
          The SuperLinkID of the time sensor

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem that return SuperLinkID
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getCO2ID()
          Returns the SuperLinkID of the CO2 sensor.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getCO2SetPointID()
          Returns the id of the CO2 setpoint.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getHeaterSetPointID()
          Returns the id of the heater setpoint.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getHumidityID()
          Returns the SuperLinkID of the humidity sensor.
 SuperLinkID PlanRequester.getID()
          Returns the id of this plan requester.
 SuperLinkID Adjustable.getID()
          Returns the id of this Adjustable.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getIrradianceID()
          Returns the SuperLinkID of the light irradiance sensor.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getOutsideHumidityID()
          Returns the SuperLinkID of the outside humidity sensor.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getOutsideTemperatureID()
          Returns the SuperLinkID of the outside temperature sensor.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getScreenSetPointID()
          Returns the id of the screen setpoint.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getTemperatureID()
          Returns the SuperLinkID of the temperature sensor.
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getTimeID()
static SuperLinkID SystemSettings.getWindowSetPointID()
          Returns the id of the window setpoint.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem with parameters of type SuperLinkID
 int SuperLinkID.compareTo(SuperLinkID other)
static void SystemSettings.setCO2ID(SuperLinkID co2ID)
static void SystemSettings.setHumidityID(SuperLinkID humidityID)
static void SystemSettings.setIrradianceID(SuperLinkID irradianceID)
static void SystemSettings.setOutsideHumidityID(SuperLinkID outsideHumidityID)
static void SystemSettings.setOutsideTemperatureID(SuperLinkID outsideTemperatureID)
static void SystemSettings.setTemperatureID(SuperLinkID temperatureID)
static void SystemSettings.setTimeID(SuperLinkID timeID)

Uses of SuperLinkID in dk.deepthought.sidious.util

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.util with type parameters of type SuperLinkID
private  java.util.Map<SuperLinkID,PlanRequester>
          Internal map instance.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.util that return SuperLinkID
 SuperLinkID RuleProperty.getID(java.lang.String key)
          Method returns the value of the specified key.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.util with parameters of type SuperLinkID
 PlanRequester SidiousMap.get(SuperLinkID id)
          Returns the PlanRequester to which the specified id is mapped in this identity map, or null if the map contains no mapping for this id.
 PlanRequester SidiousMap.put(SuperLinkID id, PlanRequester requester)
          Associates the specified id with the specified requester in this map.
 void SidiousMap.remove(SuperLinkID id)
          Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present.

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