Uses of Interface

Packages that use State
dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler Provides classes and interfaces for handling goals 
dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse Contains greenhouse specific classes and interfaces. 
dk.deepthought.sidious.planner Provides classes and interfaces for the planning and pathfinding algorithms 
dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph Provides classes and interfaces for representing graphs for the planner. 
dk.deepthought.sidious.ruleengine Provides classes and interfaces for rule evaluation 
dk.deepthought.sidious.rules Contains the implementations of the rules in the system. Provides functionality for interaction with the environment 
dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem Provides interfaces and classes for the general interaction with the system. 

Uses of State in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler declared as State
private  State Goal.goalState
          The goal state.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler that return State
 State Goal.getGoalState()
          Returns the goal state of this goal.

Constructors in dk.deepthought.sidious.goalhandler with parameters of type State
Goal(State goalState, double desire, SuperLinkID origin)
          Constructor; returns a new instance of Goal.

Uses of State in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse

Classes in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse that implement State
 class ClimaticState
          This class represents a climatic state of the environment.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse that return State
 State WindowSetPoint.consequence(State state)
 State ScreenSetPoint.consequence(State state)
 State HeaterSetPoint.consequence(State state)
 State CO2SetPoint.consequence(State state)
 State Greenhouse.getState()
 State ClimaticState.impact(java.util.Collection<State> states)

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse with parameters of type State
 State WindowSetPoint.consequence(State state)
 State ScreenSetPoint.consequence(State state)
 State HeaterSetPoint.consequence(State state)
 State CO2SetPoint.consequence(State state)
 boolean ClimaticState.partiallyEquals(State state)
 boolean ClimaticState.sameStateSpace(State other)

Method parameters in dk.deepthought.sidious.greenhouse with type arguments of type State
 State ClimaticState.impact(java.util.Collection<State> states)
(package private) static java.util.ArrayList<ClimaticState> ClimaticState.toClimaticStateList(java.util.Collection<State> states)
          This method converts the input State objects to a list of ClimaticState objects.

Uses of State in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner with parameters of type State
 double Heuristic.h(State state)
          Method calculates an approximate cost from state to the goal state.
 double GreenhouseHeuristic.h(State state)
          This heuristic is based upon a normalized Euclidian distance.
static Graph GraphFactory.makeGraph(SuperLinkID requester, State source, State goal)
          This method is a factory for creating a Graph.

Constructors in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner with parameters of type State
GreenhouseHeuristic(SuperLinkID id, State source, State goal)
          Constructs a new GreenhouseHeuristic with the specified id.

Uses of State in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph

Fields in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph declared as State
private  State AStarVertex.state
          The state this represents.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph that return State
 State Vertex.getState()
          Gets the State represented by this Vertex.
 State AStarVertex.getState()

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph with parameters of type State
(package private)  double AStarGraph.calculateCost(State current, State next, Step step)
          Method returns the calculated cost of getting from current to next.
(package private)  Vertex AStarGraph.getVertexFromState(State state)
          This method checks if the state is represented by a Vertex in the graph, and returns either the representing vertex or a new vertex, which is added to the graph.

Constructors in dk.deepthought.sidious.planner.graph with parameters of type State
AStarGraph(State sourceState, State goalState, java.util.Collection<Adjustable> adjustables, Heuristic heuristic, SuperLinkID requester)
          Constructs an AStarGraph with a start and end-state, and the set adjustables.
AStarVertex(State state, double heuristic)
          Creates a AStarVertex with the specified State and heuristic value.
AStarVertex(State state, double heuristic, Edge edgeToPredecessor, boolean source, boolean goal, double costCandidate)
          Private utility constructor.

Uses of State in dk.deepthought.sidious.ruleengine

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.ruleengine with parameters of type State
 double RuleEngineImpl.evaluate(SuperLinkID requesterID, State current, State next, Step step)
 double RuleEngine.evaluate(SuperLinkID requesterID, State current, State next, Step step)
          This method evaluates the rules associated with the given plan requester.
(package private)  double RuleEngineImpl.evaluateRules(java.util.Collection<Rule> rules, State current, State next, Step step)
          This method evaluates each of the input rules according to the input states (current and next), and returns a combined value.

Uses of State in dk.deepthought.sidious.rules

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.rules with parameters of type State
(package private)  double PhotosynthesisRule.calculateDesire(State state, Step step)
          Returns the desire related to DESIRED_RATE.
private  double PhotosynthesisRule.calculateRate(State state)
          Calculates the photosynthesis rate for a given state.
 double TemperatureRule.desire(State currentState, State newState, Step step)
abstract  double Rule.desire(State currentState, State newState, Step step)
          Method returns the calculated desire associated with the change from currentState to newState.
 double PhotosynthesisRule.desire(State currentState, State newState, Step step)
 double MorningDropRule.desire(State currentState, State newState, Step step)
 double HeatExpensesRule.desire(State currentState, State newState, Step step)
 double ConstrainingRule.desire(State currentState, State newState, Step step)
protected  double Rule.getSensorValue(State state, SuperLinkID sensorID)
          Method returns the value of the input sensorID in the input state.

Uses of State in

Methods in that return State
static State ServiceEngine.getCurrentState()
          Method returns the current state of the system.

Uses of State in dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem that return State
 State Step.consequence(State state)
          Calculates the consequence of applying the adjustments of this step to the input state.
 State Adjustable.consequence(State state)
          Calculates the consequense of applying this adjustable to the specified state.
 State PlanRequester.getState()
          Returns the current state of the system from the point of view of this plan requester.
 State State.impact(java.util.Collection<State> states)
          Calculates and returns the collective impact of applying the input states to the current environment.

Methods in dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem with parameters of type State
 State Step.consequence(State state)
          Calculates the consequence of applying the adjustments of this step to the input state.
 State Adjustable.consequence(State state)
          Calculates the consequense of applying this adjustable to the specified state.
 boolean State.partiallyEquals(State state)
          Checks whether this state contains all state descriptors of the input state.
 boolean State.sameStateSpace(State other)
          Verifies if the specified state belongs to the same state space as this.

Method parameters in dk.deepthought.sidious.supportsystem with type arguments of type State
 State State.impact(java.util.Collection<State> states)
          Calculates and returns the collective impact of applying the input states to the current environment.

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